Sunday, 20 September 2009

My grandparents went away for 2 weeks and came back yesterday as I called to see if I could visit them for a bit. I decided to wear a tight purple vest with my skinny jeans and a beautiful pair of purple suede high heels. I was forcing my finger in to get my toes straight and broke a nail! I've never had long nails, I always used to bite them and had acrylic nails for a long time til I went into hospital where I cut them off and they grew off so I'm really chuffed my nails have grown and seem strong enough! I put my hair in plaits and put a purple hair band in to hold my fringe off my face and did the whole car thing and went to their home.

When I arrived my grandad came and got my chair out for me and assembled it. He also pushed me up the slight incline which I was grateful for and in the living room he moved the furniture so I could get in. After a few hours catching up I knew I'd need the bathroom and theirs is too cluttered for me to get in so I went home, grandad put my chair in the car for me. I spent the rest of the day on the sofa, only getting up to do my bowel care, catheter and eat.

I didn't get out of bed til 4pm today, I never sleep well. After having my wash and getting dressed I had a bowl of cereal and transferred onto the sofa to check all my internet places. I called my housemate to see when he'd be back from Tenby as I was hungry but he said not for a few hours yet so I ordered butter chicken and saag bhaji which I enjoyed!

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