Monday, 19 April 2010

It's been beautiful weather all week, I had a few appointments - one to get my car serviced which took an hour and a half. They didn't tell me that on the phone so I had to wait and read the newspapers til it was ready.

On Thursday and Friday I picked my man up and we went to the local supermarket for bread and fillings then made our way somewhere to have a picnic. Because he isn't home and ready til gone 3pm it's already getting chilly so I start complaining about the cold before 6pm and we have to leave. If he was quicker in the supermarket that would help - he always dithers over what to have where I just pick things up and move onto the next item.

Today the lads were having a barbecue so we went over and spent some time there til I got bored and cold but he didn't want to leave so I had him help me to the car and I went back on my own. He came back a couple of hours later.